Monday, 15 December 2014

Salt+Sugar+Water best for Low Blood Pressure

This is my personal experience, I have corrected my Low Blood Pressure (LBP) by using simple Home made drink.
This is applied specially in the Morning.
Take a glass, fill with water, put a pinch of salt (the salt we use at our kitchens) and half spoon of sugar in it. Stir, mix it properly. If you like, you can add half cut lemon juice by squeezing in it. Stir and drink. Say hello, very very good morning to your friends as you feel so light as well as good. Can you repeat this for a month? Then you will find no complicacies of Low Blood Pressure. Nice, Feel nice.
If you want to spent little more money, in place of this, you can drink a glass of ORS water every morning, which also is effective for maintaining blood pressure. Or, if you want to spend some more money, go to the Nursing Homes, get admitted. It is up to you.
How do you like my idea? If you like this Home Made Low Blood Pressure maintaining Drink, please give me your comment or opinion.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

May be Women trafficker using alternative way

Few days back, three married women lost from their locality, together. They even have children, 6 to 12 years old. They, as told by their relatives, were very nice brides. Caring. One of lost women's husband said, she loved him and care him too much. She had no boyfriend too. She did not go alone for shopping or even outside home. But she went missing while she had gone to hospital from home. She had fever, She informed her family members and went to hospital, but that day, there was no one free to go with her. She did not come back.
Three ladies' relatives are still searching in different places. One dubious Charactered Mean Man is also not there in the village. He also is not seen anywhere, absconding.
It is suspected that the trafficker are using another way of trapping women since now a days maximum number of women and girls are aware of trafficking problem, their ways of women trafficking, ''alluring in love and propelling to hazardous zone''. or alluring of Good Job, High Profile Job or Highly paid Job, bla...bla...bla...
This Idea is not working anymore, so the trafficker might have changed the way. They must be using some type of ''chemical which makes people senseless ''. So, It is specially for women and girls, please walk out in group, shout and try to shout for help if your friend(s) is/are being dragged in to a car (whether it is known or unknown) try to read car number and memorise it. Inform police immediately.
If you read this, please Share this with your friends and social worker who may give more suggestions to us to be safe from such Nara Pishach (Blood Sucker in form of human being).

Monday, 8 December 2014

School dropout : a big problem

School dropout has become a big problem in our society. Either the socio-economic condition of the society is getting down, or the government policy is lopsided, it should be judged by the educationists of our society, but the problem continues. Now a days, exodus of such youths has become a trend in rural villages. They are heeding towards big cities of the country India or if the are graduate/under graduate, they go to Nepal for finding some English Medium Schools for employment as a teacher.
Another problem knitted with this  is marriage underage. Not beyond  Teenage, Most girls and boys choose to settle before 18. In some cases, girls at even 13 and boys at their 15. This is obvious that such interlacing problems are tagging some other problems.
To attract the youths of Teenage, everybody, each part of the society (not only government) should come out with conglomerated plan and with bold and brave heart, otherwise, this will be a losing game. No chase is better. But the important side is that, we should do this. 

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Women and Girl Child

I want to change the concept of our society towards women and girl children. Specially, men think that the women are machine or a mechanism for fulfilling their sexual desire; pillar of a home is a man, not a woman; women are inferior and men are superior; girl children need not go to school and get education; girl child foeticide bla...bla...bla...
Me, I am a woman. I can do whatever a man can do. I serve better than a man in my desired service field. I work more, even in home after office. I have to keep my husband and child happy, I look-after both of them; also I need to care guests. I cover all these things, so my husband also realises this and co-operates me.
It is sure that women should be forerunner of our society in it's development. We should educate female children also. Awareness should be spreaded in the society.