Monday, 12 January 2015

Turmeric Powder best medicine for Tonsillitis

Turmeric Powder best medicine for Tonsillitis

It’s an Ayurvedic type of therapy in case of Tonsillitis. Tonsil is a part of our mouth. It is on either side of mouth just behind Uvula, behind the joining point of tongue. Just say, at the throat. Infections (it has many type) on Tonsils causes Tonsillitis, at any age. Even baby can suffer this problem. The work of Tonsils is like access controlling. Like, it plays a role of safeguard for any harmful bacterial access to our body. Also it keeps in balance the immunity system/power of our body. Sometimes, because of bad food behavior, we can suffer from Tonsillitis. Even baby.
Pain in swallowing food or any drink is its first symptom. Feeling feverish, bad breath, mob like below ear, difficulty (some sort of sound) in breathing while sleeping etc. also are common symptoms of Tonsillitis.
Avoid – oily food, spicy food, sour, chilly food, refrigerated cold drinks, cold water, ice-creams, chocolates, apple, banana,  guava, pepper-mint/ hall chocolates, yoghurt/curd etc, bathing-shower in cold water or swimming in cold water, getting wet in rain etc.
Do – intake- hot soups of leafy vegetables, beans, roots like carrot, beat etc. drink hot or lukewarm water only, hot milk (avoid cream). Bathe with warm/lukewarm water. In winter Tonsillitis becomes severe, wear warm clothes plus muffler around neck all the time.
Ayurveda – Ayurveda has its total cure. Turmeric (root) or powder is the medicine for Tonsillitis. Do this for 4 to 6 months (according to acuteness of the Tonsillitis)
1.       Take a glass of hot milk, mix a teaspoon of turmeric power in it and sip. (Morning and before bed in the evening= 2 times in a day)
Take a glass of hot water, mix a teaspoon of Palm Candy and a teaspoonful of Turmeric power in the hot water and sip. (Dose as above).

2.       Mix a teaspoon of Turmeric powder and little salt in hot water and gargle. (2 times/BD Daily).
3.       Be careful, for curing Tonsillitis there must not be any complicacies of constipation, and sinus. so take soup of green vegetables which helps in clearing our bowl in the morning. Clear sinus first.
4.       After every meal, take a small piece of Turmeric (root) in your mouth, so that Tonsils get wet with its medicinal factors. If you have no Turmeric root, take little Power in your mouth and swallow slowly.
5.       Be careful, we should keep our mouth clean all the time for curing Tonsillitis, so we need to brush after every meal. If its winter and water is very cold, use warm water for this purpose too.
If we try this simple way of curing Tonsillitis by ourselves, I am sure we will find it effective and void of side-effect.

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